Looking for a High Speed Internet Solution That's Reliable and Affordable?

At AK Telecom Solutions, we offer a range of sophisticated broadband solutions specifically designed with the smaller business in mind. From fiber to cabinet and fiber to premises broadband, to dedicated leased lines for the ultimate in high-speed data connections, from AK Telecom you can expect exceptional speed, service, reliability, and overall, the right solution for your business.

High-speed internet is crucial for small businesses looking to survive and thrive in a challenging economy. These organisations are often on the lookout for quality business broadband services providers who can boost their infrastructure and help them streamline their operations.

AK Telecom Solutions, a high-end broadband service provider in the UK, is helping these businesses by providing them with quality connectivity and network services. You can expect high speed, top-quality service and reliability in our business broadband services. We offer a complete solution for all your internet needs, and as one of the best business broadband service providers in London, we go above and beyond to help you!

Because Your Business Relies on a Fast and Reliable Broadband Connection...

There are a range of business broadband options. But which is right for your organisation? That's something you can leave to AK Telecoms to guide you on. Once we get to know your business and its connectivity needs, we'll make personalised recommendations based on our extensive knowledge. And with everything explained in plain English, you'll be in the best position possible to make a truly informed decision about what has to be one of the most important services your business will use.

Fibre Broadband


Looking for a truly high speed broadband service? One you know you can rely on to keep your business connected round the clock? Fibre is the way to go. With download speeds up to 80Mbps, and download reaching up to 20Mbps, you’ll be able to enjoy a high-powered cloud VoIP service, as well as the most streamlined remote working experience.

Dedicated Leased Lines


For the cloud-based business that relies on uninterrupted connectivity, only a super-fast and exceptionally resilient internet service will do. If your fibre to cabinet service is just not keeping pace with your demands, it’s time to look at a dedicated leased line, a service that features unlimited guaranteed speeds, 24hour support, and so much more.