Fibre to Cabinet &
Fibre to Premises Broadband


AK Telecoms Fibre broadband offers superior upload and download speeds when compared to analogue broadband. Unlike with standard analogue connections that rely on copper lines and proximity to the exchange, fibre carries data over digital fibre optic cables, directly to either the street cabinet (fibre-to-cabinet broadband) or right inside your premises (fibre-to-premises broadband).

Total Reliability,
for Complete Peace of Mind

In business, there are certain things that just can’t be compromised. Round the clock connectivity being one of them.

It’s important to bear in mind that any broadband service can be volatile at times. However, because fibre to cabinet and fibre to premises services run over newly installed fibre optic cables, rather than existing copper lines, they are far less likely to suffer issues. Exactly the reassurance you need for your business, its profitability, and its reputation.

Total Reliability,
for Complete Peace of Mind

In business, there are certain things that just can’t be compromised. Round the clock connectivity being one of them.

It’s important to bear in mind that any broadband service can be volatile at times. However, because fibre to cabinet and fibre to premises services run over newly installed fibre optic cables, rather than existing copper lines, they are far less likely to suffer issues. Exactly the reassurance you need for your business, its profitability, and its reputation.