If you discovered there was a way to cut your telecoms costs by up to 80 per cent; a method of streamlining your business communications solutions so that productivity was considerably improved, competitive edge was given a boost and managing your comms became an absolute breeze, wouldn’t you be keen to learn more? Read on then to learn how today’s IP telephony technology can make all of this possible.

Streamlined communications are the lifeblood of any business, especially during those times when work – and life in general – are anything but simple. Traditionally though, streamlined telecommunications have been linked with considerable capital investment, and with systems that are often complex both to set-up, and to manage day to day.

Thankfully though, the technology known as IP telephony has come to the rescue. Today’s flexible internet-based telecoms solutions don’t just cut out all the complexity and make enterprise-class communications readily accessible to even the smallest business. They also deliver a range of profit-enhancing features, designed to make working and communicating so much easier.

What is IP telephony Communications Solutions?

Internet protocol or IP telephony is a way of exchanging communications solution without using a traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). By switching from PSTN to VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) on a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) phone system, network tolls are avoided, leading to significant cost savings.

What are the benefits of internet telephony for business?

The benefits of IP telephony in a business environment are considerable, but for most organisations, it’s the cost saving element that they find most advantageous.

Modern VoIP PBX solutions make it possible to run streamlined, feature-rich communications solution systems on existing hardware. This means that capital outlay is massively reduced. In addition, there is the added benefit of the system being straightforward to configure, manage and maintain. What’s more, IP telephony offers excellent flexibility to scale up or down as circumstances change. Ideal in uncertain times.

IP telephony makes it possible for companies to connect regional, national and even international offices seamlessly, with all calls made within the organisation’s network all cost-free. This means that long-distance charges are hugely reduced, as are overall call rates.

And there’s more. IP telephony has opened the door to Unified Communications: the fully comprehensive comms package that allows businesses to manage everything from calls, voicemails, emails, SMS and faxes to video conferencing and real time chat, all in one place.

What are Unified Communications?

A telephone system that runs on the principle of Unified Communications (UC) pools a whole host of comms together in one place. UC allows system users to access and share all the data connected with these communications from a single, easy to use interface. Collaboration becomes a breeze. Brand reputation and competitive edge are enhanced. Productivity is given a massive boost.

Unified Communications is a powerful, sophisticated way to manage the multiple communication streams within a business. And the great thing is that managing these streams can be done from anywhere, any time.

UC really is the ultimate remote and flexible working solution, with colleagues being able to share information with each other regardless of where they are in the world.

UC also makes it possible to convert online chats into calls; to transform faxes into PDFs and auto-forward to email, and to convert voicemails to sound files and deliver by email. It can also bring your entire phone exchange to your smartphone or PC, so that calls can be seamlessly made, received and transferred remotely simply by using a smartphone app or web client. The ideal way to maintain a professional image, without being tied to a permanent desk phone.

How much could I save with IP telephony?

IP telephony allows you to wave goodbye to those expensive per-extension monthly charges, replacing them with a low cost per PBX. In monetary terms, on average businesses can save up to 80 per cent on their phone bills by making the switch. With no more inter-office call charges and free office calls for remote teams, it’s clear to see where the savings can be made. And there’s more.

Think about how much you spend every year on time-consuming travel. It really can add up. Even if you have cut back on travel in favour of web conferencing, you may still be paying out in subscription fees. The great thing about an IP telephony system working on Unified Communications is that it incorporates a powerful web conferencing feature. So you get to ditch those expensive web conferencing platforms and monthly subscription fees, whilst all your system users get to use the system without charge.

The best thing about IP telephony is that it allows you to take full control of your phone system, which puts you in charge of some of the cost elements. The built-in flexibility means you can use it with any IP phone or SIP trunk, and you get to choose whether you run the system on-premise or in the cloud.

Ready to learn more about how IP telephony could transform, Your Communications Solutions For business?

Talk to AK Telecom Solutions today. We offer a range of enterprise-class telephony and Unified Communications system, accessible to any size of business. Get in touch and let’s discuss how we can help transform your business telecoms.


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