Has your business decided to upgrade to cloud PBX? If not, you risk being left behind because many enterprises are steadily opting for this modern technology.
Fast and efficient communication is the name of the game these days, and cloud PBX will allow you to streamline your operations. That being said, you should look for a telecom solutions provider in the UK who can provide you with premium systems and assist you in your transition to cloud PBX.
Here are a few things to consider when switching to a modern communication system.
The first step you must take when switching systems is to set out your business objectives and measures for the success of the transition. Involving staff and getting their input on the new technology is crucial for the success of your project.
Your staff must also be trained to use the new communications technology. Educate them on the features and functions of the new system. After all, they’ll be using the system daily and should know how to maximise its utility.
You should also plan on buying physical infrastructure to ensure the cloud PBX system runs smoothly. Handsets, ethernet cables, routers and other such equipment should be sourced from premium manufacturers that are compatible with the technology you’re planning to implement.
You need to execute the implementation of the system flawlessly. Work with your telecom solutions provider to ensure seamless integration of the cloud PBX technology within your existing systems. Ensure your employees are abreast of any changes that may be required when using the system.
Install headsets, carry out user training and test the system for a considerable time to ensure that it suits your unique business needs and requirements perfectly.
Switch Over
This is probably one of the most important activities and must be planned adequately to ensure minimal disruption to a business’s daily operations. Depending on how your company operates, it may be better to carry out the switchover process on the weekend. Make sure all key stakeholders, both internal and external, are fully aware of the switchover process.
Get Started with AK Telecom Solutions
If you’re looking for a PBX service provider in the UK who can provide you with premium systems and assist in the switchover, check out the products at AK Telecom Solutions. We have partnered with 3CX to provide some of the best PBX systems to businesses and have established ourselves as a 3CX service provider in the UK.
Visit our website to learn more about our services or contact us for more information